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SaaS Healthcare Achieves Remarkable Insights

Our client is a small team for a healthcare SaaS service that supports specialized medical care scenarios. Their ideal customer profile is very specific and requires additional effort to locate. Their challenge was in measuring how well they were doing at attracting the right buyers and how they managed the customer journey from stranger to follow to advocate.

The engagement began with a focus on crafting comprehensive reporting across the business, especially sales KPIs. The team wanted to understand how many contacts became leads, then progressed to MQL and SQL status, and how long it took for this progression to occur.

We worked closely with the client to understand exactly what information they needed from HubSpot about sales activities, deal progression, and overall database health.

What resulted were over 20 reports in a dashboard that allows management to see exactly how and at what speed contacts are progressing from entering the CRM to either being in a deal stage or disqualified. They are able to manage a designated list dozens of target accounts with focused efforts, including being notified when a target no longer meets the criteria so they can replace it with another one. Deal stages no longer go dormant due to alerts that notify leadership when a deal has sat for too long in a stage. Proactive intervention empowers them to keep deals on track.

By understanding where their contacts come from, the client has shifted investment for lead generation into channels that show the best outcomes. Now their lead generation efforts are richer despite fewer inbound contacts. Quality matters more than quantity in their case and they like the quality they are seeing.

We also constructed dashboards specifically to manage data hygiene issues. For example, when first name and/or last name are missing, then who is the contact owner who should clean up that data. As deals progress, professional licensing information is captured from the customer. This is now a step that cannot be skipped during the sale process, ensuring that contracts are accurate.

The engagement continues with assisting the marketing leaders with deepening their usage of HubSpot on a daily basis. This involved teaching methods and specific how-to's in HubSpot. 

Work with the client continues apace with more efforts around integrations of third-party tools that connect document signing and payment portals to accelerate the time from contract agreement to recognizing revenue on a cash accrual basis.

The client is also now able to better monitor customers who are approaching contract renewal, allowing them to not lose recurring revenue.